Saturday, August 02, 2008

A Casual Friday

After reading this NYTimes article on men wearing shorts to the office, I decided it would be fine for me to do it at my office. This is what I picked out:

Casual Friday Outfit

Surprisingly, most people enjoyed it; I saw it through all their laughter.

It was awesome. Unfortunately, no one sent me home. Oh well.


Jess said...

If it makes you feel any better, I would have sent you home! Of course, I don't work at an escort agency like you, so the rules might be different where you are. :P


Tuna Girl said...

They were enjoying your legs too much to send you home.

Anonymous said...

why does downstairs remind me of tennis? and upstairs reminds me of work? how about the bottom with a sleeveless v-neck pull over knit, argyle (?) with a white something under? you'll totally look like a tennis ad! h.o.t.!

tim said...

I'd tap it. :)

dpaste said...

Ya got balls, my friend.

dickie said...

LOL!! I've only met you once, but I think you're a trip.. nice legs!!

TCho said...

nice shorts. :-)