Friday, September 22, 2006

Out in the Office

Photo by the awesome Jason Smith.

A lot of random stuff going on in my head today. Like when I was in the bathroom, just thinking about work. I started to think about how to be more productive at work. Then I started to think about the law of diminishing returns, and how it might be partially explained by people being social (in the workplace). Example: The more people you hire, the more opportunity for people to socialize in the office, and therefore less productivity. And let's not forget the time consumption of those in-office affairs.

And speaking of which, the 3rd season of The Office premiered last night! It was awesome, and in case you missed it, the topic was 'outing' someone at work (here's a preview and summary). LOVED it - especially how they wrapped up the show with Michael staring out the window as Oscar is picked up by his 'roommate', "There's Oscar's roommate. I wonder if he knows." and during Oscar's interview when he admits, "Sometimes, it pays to be gay."



GrooveTheory said...

Do you know I get my best ideas while I'm in the bathroom too?! HAHA!

But, I'm not sure if you're out in your office, because I've seen you stone butch before. But it does pay to be gay. You can get away with A LOT of things :)

Jess said...

Wait a second! Who's this Jason Smith? You're cheating on me with another photographer?!
