"Uhm.. I'll hand it in next week Mr. Randall. I'm going to Seaworld this weekend and I think that'll make my report extra special."
Nevermind that Seaworld was 1,086.64 miles away in Orlando, Florida. That reminds me, I still owe that report.
Saturday was also the Digital Life Expo at Jacob Javits Center in New York City. Video games up the wazoo. And can you believe they served Jamaican Rum for free?! Being tipsy and shooting people at the same time?!? Give me more! All I kept thinking was, "This is probably what it's like to be in one of those 'middle states'". Too bad I went with the sub-l33t; damn party poopers.
Speaking of party and poopers, special thanks to Ed Shepp-erino for inviting me to his Pre-Halloweegan party! I had a lot of fun. You guys are definitely a special bunch. Love the orange suit!
And if that wasn't enough for one weekend, I volunteered for the Get Organized New York Tag Sale in Central Park on Sunday! I was lucky I wasn't outside because it was cold like a witch's teat. Instead, I was right inside the front entrance, packing Ziploc Containers With New Snap 'n Seal Lids for shoppers as a free gift.
If you think that 4 or 5 of these (free!) containers per person was enough... you are wrong!! Oh, so wrong. One woman took nearly 40 of them! No one can have THAT many casseroles to keep. And if you did.. why??
I mean, I only took 20.
And now, Tie Week:

i like the green one
Well, that could be true.
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