Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pride Weekend!

Happy HatAs you know, last weekend was Pride in NYC. I had the same itinerary as I did last year: Pride brunch, take in a bit of the parade, then volunteer for the Pier Dance. And like last year, I had an amazing time. But this year, I had more guests!

Jason came early in the morning and joined me for the brunch and parade. Kvn met us at the parade and volunteered at the dance. I was also joined by Charles and a gaggle of bloggers: Byrne, David, Traveling Spotlight, and Tuna Girl.

Last year, I was too scared to go out into the masses of shirtless, withering flesh and muscle. This year, I had other people to get squished along with me. For the most part, everyone was pretty civil, not a lot of pushing or stepping on toes.

Refreshing!That is, until J.Lo was about to perform - that's when them queens got ugly (and some uglier). People pushed and we were packed like a can of sardines. In a garbage compactor. Like J.Lo was going to hand out Fleet enemas or something. Most of them probably didn't like her all that much, but she's still my hot dancing boriqua mami. Caliente! I would have a billion pictures of her, but my cameras' battery died.

Other (semi-)famous people spotted at the dance: a shirtless and short-haired Carson and an adult entertainment industry star (who I courageously approached and took a picture with. For serious!)

See the rest of my 2006 pride pics, Jason's 'Better Than My' Pride pics, and David 'Super Hot' Pride pics.


TCho said...

I was a bad gay. I stayed in. The rain put me out of the mood. And I was tired, damn it.

Rick Aiello said...

It rained in Chicago too... but the rain stopped shortly after the parade started. Wish I could have been with you guys... it looks like it was a really fun time!!! :)